Sitemap - 2020 - Lisa Jakub from Blue Mala

Yoga classes in January and a story about throwing things

Happy Boxing Day!

Back it up

It's all about the lights

You belong here

So that was strange

Should I stop by the palace one day?

You gotta know when to pack it up

This place could be beautiful

I can't come up with a title this week

Fun fact: dogs can sprain their tails

Life is temporary. Stories are immortal.

It's okay, it's okay, I'm okay, I'm alright again

Happy chickens

The bat

You're doing great

oh hi

Who are you?

Don't let go first

They see me rollin

When G'day is at night

Going into the cave

The Mud and the Gold

8 questions

Don't forget about the cow


Robots, swords, and the little things

A video about one of Hollywood's more minor problems

Your Friday Newsletter on Monday

Searching for Sattva

Discomfort. And chances to connect.

We get to save ourselves

Impermanence and fish masks

On the road going nowhere

Israeli Rom-Coms and Inappropriate Meditations

Write it down, put it down

Facebook Live today, and other ways to see my face if you want to

What's the point?

The question to ask

The Love Letter

One way you can help and look good doing it

Anxiety management online workshop starts next week

I miss touching my face

Worrying about the wrong things, plus a dorky video

90s nostalgia and a thing you're hearing first

Singing in the shower, and one way that life can get just a tiny bit easier

When kissing is not really kissing and a discount just for you.

The problem with being a former child actor

A story about judgment, shame, and Trader Joe's

It all ended up ok

Check out my Cameo!

Yes, I already know, but thank you